Summer Garden Delights

Summer invites you to transform your garden into a kaleidoscope of life and beauty. Explore what to plant and when to ensure your garden remains a captivating spectacle throughout the warmer months.

Early Summer: June to July

Embark on the season by planting annuals like marigolds and petunias for a continuous display. This is also the ideal time to sow herbs like basil and cilantro, promising fragrant and flavorful harvests.

Mid-Summer: July to August

Celebrate the peak of summer by introducing heat-loving vegetables such as eggplants, peppers, and okra. Consider adding exotic touches with tropical flowers like hibiscus or dahlias.

Late Summer: August to September

Prolong the allure of your garden into fall by planting quick-growing vegetables like radishes and lettuce. Plan for the autumn garden by introducing cool-season crops such as broccoli and kale.